Rules and Behavior Management


    Remember that and Honorable Husky:


    Has a great attitude!


    Uses good manners and self control!


    Shows Respect


    Keeps silent in the halls!


    You should always do your best!

    Students can individually earn Husky Bucks to go to the school store.


    Classroom Rules


    1.Listen while your teacher is talking!


    2.Follow directions quickly!


    3.Work Quietly!


    4.Make smart choices!


    5.Keep your teacher happy!



    Brag Tags


    This year I will be using Brag Tags in the classroom. They are incentive tags that your child can earn for positive behavior and choices that he/she makes during the school day. The tags are placed on a necklace that is kept at school and brought home at the end of the school year.. Brags tags are not meant to take home but can be looked at if you come to the school to visit. Brag tags are earned when the teacher notices a choice or behavior that is done by a student that  exceeds expectations. Brag tags can be earned for many things. Some of these may include: 100% on a test, helping others, good listening, etc. I strongly believe in positive reinforcement in my classroom and this is one method that we will use this year to encourage the positive choices and hard work.